Friday 16 January 2009

Males 14,751 5.8
Females 2,940 6.2
Aged under 18 580 6.7
Males under 18 393 6.7
Females under 18 185 6.8
Aged 18-29 12,196 6.0
Males Aged 18-29 10,090 5.9
Females Aged 18-29 2,063 6.4
Aged 30-44 4,172 5.6
Males Aged 30-44 3,605 5.6
Females Aged 30-44 525 5.8
Aged 45+ 723 5.3
Males Aged 45+ 576 5.3
Females Aged 45+ 139 5.2
IMDb staff 5 5.5
Top 1000 voters 333 5.1
US users 6,591 5.7
Non-US users 11,090 5.9

From these ratings (found at we can see that Amityville Horror appeals mainly to those under 18 up to 29. From the higher number of males voting, it is evident that we should aim to appeal to the male audience for a horror. 

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