Wednesday 21 January 2009

The shining

This Film has a range of good shots as they are used to be effective. The scene i looked at was the 237 clip. The boy is being followed by a tracking shot to show the vast area of space and his loneliness. When he discovers the Sisters at the end of the corridor there is a shot reverse shot and then single shots of the boy and the sisters. This is to show the tension beyond the scene as it is single shots. There is medium long shots of the sisters and Close ups of the boy as he is sitting in a toy car, this could be done maybe because to show that is is not of a standing level where as the medium long shot of the sisters is because they are standing up. the scene is indeed disturbing but pulls the viewers to want to watch more. There are a series of flash backs used in this scene for effect. Children are used in this sequence to portray innocence, by the boy suffering from some mental trauma we see through out the film and the twins being brutally murdered this could also be used to show that evil is at work.

1 comment:

Reigate Media said...

Ok, but you should focus on opening sequences for your analyis!
