Monday 12 January 2009

The Ring Two

The use of the lightly lit room in the beginning is similar to what we want because you wouldn't expect horror. Also the fact that its a couple at the beginning is effective as it promotes the film to the audiences of both men and women. Maybe they might watch it together.

In the opening the audience sees a lot of water therefore instantly suggesting that water plays a part of the film. The camera zooms in to a specific point a lot. This portrays the sense of someone following or walking up to the character or object. The use of the dark intense, suspensful music produces a feel of horror and danger. The use of the diegetic sound of the telephone acts as the climax to the tension as it is unexpected. The use of the pink clothes portrays her innocence contrasting to the boys green t-shirt and black hair. Also the use of the high angle onto the girl reinforces this. The use of the close-up on the boys face emphasizes his emotion throughout the opening sequence.

The use of the focus on the tape highlights that it plays an important part in the film.

We can see from the opening scene that this is a continuation of the previous film and more twists are involved. It starts off with teenagers watching the tape and has continued to do so in this one.

As the opening sequence ends, there is a sudden cut to the movie itself, adding fast pace and ending the tension suddenly. 

1 comment:

Reigate Media said...

Try to go into more detail in your analysis. Look for at least two more opening sequences.
