Wednesday 11 February 2009

I have been working on a company logo sequence for our opening sequence of the feature film 'Hangman'. We decided upon the production company name of Legend Productions. I have used this name in a short sequence with a textured background, using effects on Livetype for the words. I also used soundtrack to create some ambient noise to accompany this short entrance. The texture works well using red as it shows danger or blood, and the font was a simple old-style grey font to give effect.
Today we added titles to our opening sequence using final cut express. We used a variety of useful tools including "pen tool' and managed to change the font, color and size of the writing.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Here is our first section. We still need to add more scenes in between some of the scenes for the flashback.

We still need to add the scenes in the house and the titles which should bring us up to two minutes.

Friday 23 January 2009

We have come up with the idea for our production from inspiration of the ring one where before Noah dies there's a shot of his cup making a water mark on his newspaper of a ring. This is to signify that trouble is about to take place. We like this idea and we have chosen to use this as our character being on the phone and subconsciously drawing a picture of a hangman game on her newspaper and then we will use a close up shot of what she's drawn.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Opening Sequence Scream 2

The Opening sequence is very effective to the second sequel as it makes the audience feel that the second film will probably be more gory than the first one with more twists. It starts with a couple going to watch the stab movie which is based on the murders which occurred in the first sequel. The couple go into the cinemas where everyone has the scream masks on as a theme to celebrate the movies released, this is very helpful for the killer as no one will notice if someone is being murdered and it will be harder to catch the killer as everyone is almost dressed in the same Costume. The boyfriend is murdered first in the toilets and the killer takes his clothes including his own costume so that when he enters the cinema the girlfriend wont suspect anything, Only she discovers Blood and realizes that maybe this Man is not her boyfriend. She is then Stabbed continuously without anyone taking any notice, as she passes a lady some blood is wiped onto her. she struggles to get a the front of the screen to the audiences attention that she has been stabbed and lets out a painful cry. The audience stop and pay attention but it's too late as she falls down dead. This Opening scene is great as it pulls the viewer to want to continue to watch more.


The shining

This Film has a range of good shots as they are used to be effective. The scene i looked at was the 237 clip. The boy is being followed by a tracking shot to show the vast area of space and his loneliness. When he discovers the Sisters at the end of the corridor there is a shot reverse shot and then single shots of the boy and the sisters. This is to show the tension beyond the scene as it is single shots. There is medium long shots of the sisters and Close ups of the boy as he is sitting in a toy car, this could be done maybe because to show that is is not of a standing level where as the medium long shot of the sisters is because they are standing up. the scene is indeed disturbing but pulls the viewers to want to watch more. There are a series of flash backs used in this scene for effect. Children are used in this sequence to portray innocence, by the boy suffering from some mental trauma we see through out the film and the twins being brutally murdered this could also be used to show that evil is at work.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Opening Credits Idea

This is the opening credits from the film Se7en. It is a similar idea to what we could use for our opening credits. In our 2 minute sequence there will be about 1:00 of filming, then just entering the opening credits for around 1 minute. We will use a similar idea to Se7en's opening credits, showing clips of the killer planning his attack on the female victim. The text will then use a gothic font, flashing between images and text, to give an eery effect. Se7en's credits work effectively as it uses many close up shots in sequence which gives a mysterious feel about the film. The transition in which these shots are shown is shown as very skewed and "scratched" giving the idea of destruction, as the tape reel looks as if it has been destroyed. In the short shots used, the scenes are also shown as very dirty. This, along with violent or strange acts, immediately occurs to the viewer that we are watching the killer, a mysterious, filthy character. The soundtrack used for these particular credits is also very mysterious and gives the effect of destructiveness, as if it has been destroyed and scratched. Various horrific sounds are used such as scratching, and creaking of doors. These sounds are emphasized to give an effect of disorientation and possibly paranoia or fear. We will use similar sounds in our sequence to give this effect about "Hangman".